Ishan Kolhatkar
This site is a collection of my work.
Scroll down to learn more about each section
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Presentation Skills
A series of videos to help you enhance your presentation skills

From a young age I was fascinated by watching others cook in person and on TV. I’ve been cooking since the age of 10 and of late, feel I’ve got the hang of it. In this section you’ll find longer form content on food and restaurants I’ve visited

I travel extensively for work and leisure. Here you will find all things sirmiles and reviews: airline cabins, lounges and luggage.
I write and vlog about digital literacy and the use of technology to improve the way we work and interact; in particular its use in education and the law.
Legal Education
I write about legal education having been a Barrister and taught on various professional legal courses. I remain an advocacy tutor at the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple.